As each building/complex is different regarding electricity meter type, placement, application, and distribution, no fixed process exists for the reading of meters. Such a process is developed intrinsically for each building/complex considering the following criteria.
Access to electricity/water meters must be available to the IMS meter readers at any time during office hours. NB! No prior notice can be given to consumers when their meters will be read!
Meters will be read every month, but with the understanding that IMS cannot guarantee a specific date on which the meters of a particular building/complex will be read every month. Dates may vary within five days of one another from month to month.
The reading of the electricity/water meter is regarded as proof of the electricity/water consumption of the premises unless otherwise proved by the consumer or IMS.
The meter readings are recorded monthly , and these documents are archived for the minimum period of 3 years.
The written meter-reading sheets are the data source for input into the IMS computerized invoicing system.
Impact Meter Services conducts an electricity management service for premises where the Local Authority only provides a bulk electricity supply. Impact becomes the registered consumer with the Local Authority regarding such beliefs. In turn, we measure each tenant's consumption monthly and bill them accordingly.
Billing is done according to consumption recorded on the separate meters installed on the premises. The Local Municipal Authority sets the electricity tariffs annually, and no "markup" on taxes is applied.
Impact Meter Services has no control over the electricity consumed beyond the electricity meter, i.e., on/in a consumer's home/shop. To ask us why an electricity account is so high can be compared to asking the pump attendant at a filling station why your motor vehicle is taking in so much fuel. He cannot explain, and nor can we. We take the reading displayed by the electricity meter and bill you accordingly.
However, to assist consumers in identifying causes of abnormal fluctuation in their electricity accounts, the following measures and options are in place for the consumer's benefit: