Once a landlord, building owner or property management company has taken the decision to make use of IMS for the future electricity/water management of their building/complex, the following procedures are applied by Impact Meter Services to ensure an orderly and smooth transition from the previous electricity management company/system.
Senior representatives of IMS will negotiate with the landlord to determine the precise requirements he may have regarding his building. The recovery method for electricity/water costs of communal and service areas will be discussed and agreed upon. A letter of appointment will be required, wherein the management of electricity/water for the building/complex is delegated to IMS.
The Landlord will be asked to notify the consumers in writing of the impending take-over by IMS, and a copy thereof will be given to IMS. This is essential to ensure that consumers are not surprised when they are asked to sign agreements with IMS for their electricity/water supply and to pay the deposits that may be required from them.
A take-over date will be agreed upon with the landlord/managing agent.
Where possible (mainly business premises), a senior management member will visit each consumer on the take-on date with a letter of introduction and an application/agreement form for completion. The consumer will be informed of the deposit required to open his account with IMS. The consumer will be asked to have the completed application form available at his premises for collection on a date as determined by IMS. (This allows the consumer enough time to peruse the terms and conditions of the agreement).
The take-on procedure at domestic complexes varies from place to place as there may already be consumers on the premises or not. Take-on procedures are adapted accordingly.
The technical staff of IMS will also visit each premise in the building/complex that is being taken over. They will ensure that the electricity meter of each premise is indeed the correct meter for that premise, that it is functioning correctly, and that it is adequately sealed to prevent tampering. A start reading of the meter is also taken and recorded, and this reading constitutes the opening meter reading of the consumer's account with IMS.
Deposits will be required from consumers within 30 days of the take-on date. Routine credit control procedures will be instituted if deposits are not received in time. Impact Meter Services will, however, grant extensions or terms for the payment of such deposits in monthly installments at its discretion. Tenants who wish to make representation in this regard may do so in writing, addressed to the credit manager. As a general rule, such extensions and terms will only be granted to consumers who must pay more extensive deposits (R5000.00 +).
Where IMS is already managing the electricity/water accounts of a building/complex, and a consumer vacates premises within such a building/complex, the electricity supply to that premises will be switched off by IMS. Any consumer moving into that premises must pay their deposit before the electricity supply is re-connected.