We need written notice of the date you intend to vacate the premises. This can be done through fax or email ([email protected]) or fill in a form at any of Impact Meter Services' service offices. This notice must contain your future physical, postal, and email address to which your final account can be sent and proof of your banking details so we may refund your deposit.
A final reading of your electricity meter will be taken on or about this date, and the task will be used to calculate a definitive account. Please note! Final readings will not be taken on weekends. If you vacate your premises on the weekend, please ensure that you switch off the main circuit breaker in the electrical distribution board of your premises. A final reading will be taken on the next successive weekday following the date you vacate.
Your deposit will be credited to your final account as a payment. Any residual amount will be refunded to you electronically to the banking account number that you have supplied. Please allow between 4 to 6 weeks from vacating date for such payments. Deposits can only be paid once the final electricity/water out has been fully settled.
The same procedure as described here above applies with the following exceptions.
Deposits can only be transferred to a new account once the final electricity/water account for the old premises has been fully settled. Impact Meter Services reserves the right to revise the deposit amount required for the new premises.
Should the old account remain unpaid, the deposit will be credited to that account as a payment, and a new deposit will be required for your new premises.
Any unpaid amount on the old account after the deposit has been credited to your report will be transferred to your new account. Nonpayment thereof may lead to the discontinuation of services at your new premises.